Mental Health Services
Non-urgent advice: ADHD Medication Shortages
We know it's been tough while ADHD medications have been out of stock. At the moment, shortages are expected to last for several more months. In the meantime, we've pulled together some information here which we hope can be helpful for people with ADHD and their families.
Crisis Services

Sussex Mental Healthline

Staying Well Crawley
If you’re struggling with your mental health and need support outside normal working hours, Staying Well, Crawley, near County Oak, is here for you. Get help and advice from professionals in a safe, relaxed and friendly environment.

Samaritans offer a safe place for you to talk any time you like, in your own way – about whatever’s getting to you. You don’t have to be suicidal. Call Samaritans free, 24 hours a day 365 days a year on 116 123 or email
Other Services

Pathfinder provides a single point of access to mental health and wellbeing support, including advice, information and signposting to local support. Pathfinder links into the clinical service provided by nurses and occcupational therapists from Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust.

NHS Talking Therapies
NHS West Sussex Talking Therapies help people aged 18+ with stress, worry and depression, as well as many different types of anxiety. They can help you to understand the difficulties you’re facing, and offer therapy either within their service or put you in touch with a different service if we don’t offer the help you need. They can help with:
- panic attacks and agoraphobia
- social anxiety
- health anxiety and more.
Age 4-17 Single Point of Access
Anyone can fill in this online form - young people, their parents, teachers - and the Single Point of Access team will review it within 72 hours and direct you to the right service to help. This might include the Youth Emotional Support service, CAMHS, the Healthy Child Programme, and much much more. This single point of access makes it easier for young people to get to the help they need.

MENSHARE Listening Group is a voluntary support service for men 18+, helping to support men who may be going through a tough and challenging time in their lives. You can drop into their sessions at Crawley Baptist Church on a Monday and Wednesday evening 7pm-9pm or give them a ring on 07508 336995.

Sussex Recovery College
Sussex Recovery College offers educational courses about mental health and recovery which are designed to increase your knowledge and skills and promote self-management. This may help you take control and become an expert in your own wellbeing and recovery and get on with your life despite mental health challenges.
Whether you work with people with mental health challenges, use mental health services or care for someone who does, we know that learning more about self-management and recovery will enable you to make the most of your strengths, talents and resources and help you to achieve whatever it is you want in your life or work.

Online Recovery College
Providing a range of online educational courses and resources to people who might be struggling with mental health issues, families, friends, mental health workers and anyone else who might be interested.
You can complete online courses covering a variety of mental health and wellbeing topics. Create an account and complete the courses in your own time, at your own pace.