Useful Numbers

Births, Deaths & Marriages: Registration (01293) 514545
Boots Chemist, Crawley (01293) 527158
Day Lewis Chemists, West Green (01293) 400848
Citizens Advice Bureau 0870 1264087
Crawley Hospital (01293) 600300
Crawley Borough Council (01293) 528744
Crawley CCG (01293) 600300 (ext 4255)
Crawley Social Services (01293) 895100
Crombie and Sadler Chemists, Brighton Road (01293) 527206
Crawley Gluten Free Group                         07950 118 599
District Nurses 0845 092 0414
East Surrey Hospital (01737) 768511
Gatwick Park Hospital (01293) 785511
Health Visitors (01293) 600300 ext 3230
Ifield Surgery (01293 )510 900
Lloyds Pharmacy, Ifield (01293) 525600
Lloyds Pharmacy, Langley Green (01293) 522015
Midwife (ansaphone) (01293) 600300 ext 3631
Patient Advice & Liaison Service (01293) 600300
Planned Treatment Centre (01293) 600385
Saturn Centre (Sexual Health Referral Centre) (01293) 600469
St Catherine's Hospice (01293) 447333
Out-of-Hours Service - Weekdays 6.30pm to 8.00am and all weekends and Bank Holidays 111