End of Life and Bereavement

What to do when someone dies

West Sussex County Council has bereavement guidance available, including who you need to contact and any action you need to take when someone dies.

St Catherine's Hospice

St Catherine's Hospice

If you’re living with a life-limiting condition, caring for someone who is, or grieving the death of a loved one, St Catherine's Hospice will be there for you. They provide end of life care, support in the community, welfare advice, therapeutic therapies, counselling and bereavement support, and more.

The Good Grief Trust

The Good Grief Trust

Helping you find the support you need as quickly as possible. You will find stories from others who have had a similar loss, practical and emotional support and signposting to a choice of immediate tailored local and national support.

National Bereavement Service

The National Bereavement Service

The National Bereavement Service provides practical and emotional assistance after a death. If you or a loved one is experiencing loss, you can access free support today.